3 Answered Questions about the Tubing System There are 3 questions that would generally come to one’s mind when they hear about the tubing system: 1. What is a Tubing System? One might not be knowledgeable of the various types of metal alloys and their properties if they are not a maestro in metalware. [...]
5 Interesting Facts about Hydraulic Hoses You Probably Might Not Know A hydraulic hose is a hose that is made of strengthened high-pressure, synthetic rubber and thermoplastic or Teflon. Hydraulic hoses were first invented in the early 1940s when engineers discovered that hydraulic systems were light-weighted, self-lubricating and more compacted. Ever since then, the evolution [...]
Three Things You Need to Know About Hoses A hose is a versatile and reinforced tube that carries and transports media for multiple purposes. A hose can be used for different applications from commercial like garden hose to industrial purposes like wastewater hose, air hose, fire hose and more. Hoses are the heart of your [...]